Running an Effective Contest On Facebook (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.11

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Running an Effective Contest On Facebook

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  1. Which FB applications or methods do you recommend for contests?

There are several different contest platforms available to us, including,, and now, tonight, discussing a Facebook solution for your contests, featuring with Brian Mcneil-Smith.

  1. What types of contests/giveaways have you found successful on Facebook?

There are several different components that work together for that successful contest and sometimes it is a case of trial-and-error to discover just the right mix for your brand. Some common things to keep in mind, when planning for that successful Facebook contest, is to aim toward getting it to go viral and to keep it simple. Like Da Vinci said during the chat, "Promote the promotion."

  1. What are some challenges you have run into with contests?

Again, we visit the topic of "going viral," which helps that momentum for the contest. This is not an easy task, but Easy Promos has spent some time fine-tuning the process, to help you. Fortunately, there are built-in aspects of Easy Promo's app that help you to do just that, helping your contest (and your brand) to go viral with the contest entrants.

  1. What ways are you promoting your contest outside of Facebook?

In this day and age we live in, we have several options for promotion and are not even limited to just social media. A couple tweets are shown below, but you will want to review the slideshow, at the top of this post, to see all of the ideas presented by our tweeps during this chat. You can get those promotion juices flowing and jump-start a promotion-block (think writer's block).

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Always great to hear compliments about our chats. Don't worry. If you missed it, we will still be here for you next week, at our Establishing Your Brand and Social Image chat.

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#SocialCafe Twitter Chat Announcement

This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about Running an Effective Contest On Facebook.

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This event sponsored, in part, by our courses at Sage Leader where we offer courses for Entrepreneurs. We recommend our courses because we love you, as entrepreneurs and want to be there for you! DM me (Deborah) on Twitter to ask if there are any free courses available (limited time availability)...!

About this Topic/Event

Many of us have participated in contests on Facebook and elsewhere on the internet. Some of us have even run contests ourselves. What does it take to run a successful contest, specifically, on Facebook? Join the chat and find out.

During this chat, we will introduce Brian Mcneil-Smith, of EasyPromos. He will share with us some helpful tips on using his company's Facebook app and how this can help you with your next Facebook contest.

Twitter Event Details

  • Date:   03/12/2013
  • Time:   6:00 pm PST/PDT (9:00 pm EST/EDT).
  • Hashtag:   #SocialCafe

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Twitter Event Questions

    1. Which FB applications or methods do you recommend for contests?
    1. What types of contests/giveaways have you found successful on Facebook?
    1. What are some challenges you have run into with contests?
    1. What ways are you promoting your contest outside of Facebook?

Format: Q&A

For more information on the formats of Twitter Events and what we recommend as tools to join in the fun, please visit Twitter Event Instruction.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments or send a regular tweet to Deborah @SocialWebCafe.

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