Home Innovations in Design and UX Design 5 Big Design Flaws Your Visitors Will Absolutely Hate

5 Big Design Flaws Your Visitors Will Absolutely Hate

Deborah says, "An interesting look at things that may annoy your readers."

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Some people mess up when they design a website because they end up with frustrated visitors. I’ve talked about a few things they need to watch out for if they want to keep their visitors happy.

When you design your website it’s important that you don’t rush into anything too quickly. You don’t want people to click away and never come back. If you want everyone to enjoy spending time on your site it’s really important that you don’t annoy them. You know how much patience an average visitor has these days and it’s easy to scare them away.

We’re going to dig a little deeper and talk about some of the things you must not do. Implementing these tips won’t guarantee you success, but you will be more likely to succeed because you’ll have more happy visitors.

Go easy on the selling

When someone lands on your site they might not want to buy something straight away. You don’t need to stick your product in their face on every page. When someone looks at something all the time it will eventually blend into the background. Do you want this to happen to your product? You want people to buy it, so they shouldn’t get sick and tired of seeing it before they know how great your website is. Sometimes less equals more.

A visitor is not a hunter

When a hunter goes out in search of a wild animal they appreciate they will need to look long and hard until they find something. It is part of the fun and it’s why they say they are going hunting. A website visitor is not a hunter and they won’t appreciate looking for something they want. You should serve it up to them on a plate. Think about that when you design the site because if people can’t find what they want they will give up pretty quickly.

Don’t hurt their eyes

People spend a lot of time on the computer these days and it can hurt their eyes. If you use a barely readable font you won’t convince someone to stick around and read your article. You need to make sure it’s simple and it should also be large enough to read. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen anyone use a magnifying glass when they’ve been reading a website. I have heard a lot of people complaining because a site is unreadable, so make sure you sort it out.

Nobody wants to be confused

Think about what you look for when you land on a website. You don’t want to be confused, so neither does anyone else. Websites should be simple and the world would be a much easier place to live in if they were. You should give each specific page on your site a goal. What do you want someone to click on when they land on the page? If each page has one goal it will stop you from adding lots of extra things they don’t need.

Make them feel welcome

Certain websites have a certain look and people are used to them. If you want someone to fall in love with your site you should try to mimic other websites they frequent. This means they won’t need to get used to a new site. They will know where everything is and how they can find it. You just need to make sure your website has the best content because it’s the only way you will win people over. Some new websites try to be too fancy when they already know what works.

That wasn’t so hard

I bet you recognize a lot of these because you probably see them all the time. Those websites won’t be successful, but yours will. You know what to do and you just need to go and do it. A frustrated visitor is a lost cause, but a happy visitor is a potential customer. Always remember that.

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