Guest Author Policy
We welcome posts from Guest Authors. If you would like to pitch your idea or your article, you may submit the article or idea via our \"Write for Us\" link. Or, you may contact us via our \"Contact Us\" link.
There are a few rules, however:
- The content must be original to you and never been published.
- We reserve the right to make editorial changes to suit the website and accommodate the most beneficial social presentation. This also includes adding a disclaimer if the post links to the company you represent, within the body of the article.
- Please provide an avatar if you are not already signed up with Gravatar.
- Please include a substantial (but not tooooo substantial!) bio, along with at least two social links (i.e. Facebook,
- You are allowed two anchor links within the article. Please put your web site and product/service links in your bio, as opposed to the article, whenever possible.
- Images must be licensed. It is helpful if you provide an image and the source/license information. More than likely we will replace the image(s) with one of our licensed image(s).
If you are interested in writing for our site, please use the contact link so we may discuss it. Thank you