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5 Great Practices for Realtors on Facebook

In this world of computer technology and tech savvy, many realtors are using their connection to the internet to market their business. This is a great way for you to promote listings, open houses, price drops, and great deals online. With the economy the way that it currently is, you might be looking for a way to promote your business and market yourself to potential clients without spending too much. Social media marketing is genius because it’s free and millions of people use it on a regular basis. Here are the top five practices you should be doing on Facebook.

Use Social Media to Connect With Clients

Instead of handing out business cards and sending business emails, invite clients to “Like” your Facebook page or connect with you on LinkedIn. This allows them to see you in a professional light as well as keep them updated on your new listings, price drops, and open houses without having to flood their inboxes or voicemail with emails and voice messages. It’s also a softer way to connect with people, because it allows them to get to know you easily. Additionally, you can get to know your clients by checking out their pictures and likes; when they decide to buy a house you already have a pretty good idea of what they want and can present them with preliminary information almost as soon as they suggest working with you.

The second practice you should use is to maintain a constant flow of communication with your clients. Post about recent listings, updates to your business, and make sure to change your photos regularly. Get rid of photos of homes you’ve sold and replace them with new listings and great deals.

Integrate Facebook to Your Other Marketing Methods

You can use Facebook for more than just posting photos and updating people with your statuses. You can set up your business blog to automatically post links to your blog on your Facebook page so all your clients can have ready access to them. Additionally, you can send out a monthly newsletter on Facebook rather than through email. Many people have things like this sent to their spam box, which means they don’t see it. Putting it on Facebook means they are able to see it and are aware it is out there for them.

A fourth way you can use Facebook to your advantage is to create Facebook ads. One of the things you have to remember when creating these ads is to market accordingly. When people see your ad pop up at the side of their computer screen, they don’t want to see your best glamour shot smiling up at them; they want to see a picture of a house. The best idea is to set up your ads to target the people your clients and fans are friends with. This allows you to expand your networking.

Maintain a Professional Image

It’s always a better idea to create two separate Facebook accounts if you are going to use it personally and professionally. Your clients do not want to see tagged photos of you drinking tequila shots with your girlfriends on the beach during your annual mommy weekend getaway. Additionally, they don’t want to see photos of your kids’ artwork, smiling faces, or of them at Disney. It’s unprofessional. Everyone who sees your Facebook page is a potential client, and the image you maintain must show that you are professional. Keep the personal posts to your personal account, which you must make private, and keep the business posts to your business social media page.

About the author: I am the news spotter for Social Web Cafe. I am usually one person, but sometimes I am a team of people. I choose to remain anonymous and hide in the shadows (just kidding). I am here to get the work done and help Deborah with Social Web Cafe 🙂

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  • Kristine says:

    I highly believe in the importance of delegating a social media account for personal use. It is quite unethical to share your personal affairs with potential clients through your business account and to put it simply it may be regarded as an act of unprofessionalism. Thanks for the valuable share!

  • Joy says:

    Traditional marketing methods such as distributing flyers, placing ads and saturation can now be easily integrated with an online marketing campaign that allows you to reach even more people. These tips are excellent and I will definitely keep them in mind 🙂

    • Oh, so true! Good point, Joy! No reason to throw out the old, entirely, as we can incorporate it into our overall marketing plan. Thanks for the feedback. 🙂

  • Thirdy Rosales says:

    “Use Social Media to Connect With Clients”

    Every realtor would gain valuable advantage when he or she knows something about the real usage of social media. In terms of reaching out to potential clients, posting his or her realty business/ad over these social media networks would receive more attention than a business without any webpage.

  • john lee says:

    this is a nice post and great points

  • Bill says:

    We were always reminded that in terms of business transaction, never to contact person thru their facebook account because they will feel invaded and so we respect that.

    • Good thinking. I’m not sure if I go with “never,” but I definitely agree that you have to consider all aspects and be aware that this is not an uncommon response. Good point. Thanks.

  • Darcy says:

    I absolutely agree that maintaining a professional presence on Facebook is essential, not just for realtors but for all business people in the modern era. The moment personal mixes with professional in Facebook terms is the exact moment you start to lose credability.

    • Darcy, I so agree with the need to have your FB presence, with all businesses. Even if it is not used as frequently as one’s personal profile, the presence (Fan Page) gives an opportunity for fans to post their endorsement of the company/product/service, and also a place for the company to post important updates, at the very minimum.

  • Tony says:

    Facebook and Google Plus are two main source for gathering new customers from the Internet, this is true you must have your own website but it is better for you when people can see what u have to write on walls on FB

  • tipusultan says:

    Thanks for the share. I have really liked your writeup. Hope you will organize some giveaways on your blog as well. 🙂 nice work admin , carry on

    • Kristine Sep 8, 2012 @ 6:56

      I highly believe in the importance of delegating a social media account for personal use. It is quite unethical to share your personal affairs with potential clients through your business account and to put it simply it may be regarded as an act of unprofessionalism. Thanks for the valuable share!

      • Deborah E. Anderson Sep 12, 2012 @ 1:35

        Good point, Kristine. I like to keep them separate, as much as possible, too. 🙂

    • Joy Sep 8, 2012 @ 7:01

      Traditional marketing methods such as distributing flyers, placing ads and saturation can now be easily integrated with an online marketing campaign that allows you to reach even more people. These tips are excellent and I will definitely keep them in mind 🙂

      • Deborah E. Anderson Sep 12, 2012 @ 1:19

        Oh, so true! Good point, Joy! No reason to throw out the old, entirely, as we can incorporate it into our overall marketing plan. Thanks for the feedback. 🙂

    • Thirdy Rosales Sep 13, 2012 @ 1:00

      “Use Social Media to Connect With Clients”

      Every realtor would gain valuable advantage when he or she knows something about the real usage of social media. In terms of reaching out to potential clients, posting his or her realty business/ad over these social media networks would receive more attention than a business without any webpage.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Sep 25, 2012 @ 13:39

        Yes, there are so many aspects of social media that are helpful to the real estate market, as well as other niches.

    • john lee Nov 16, 2012 @ 5:48

      this is a nice post and great points

    • Bill Nov 20, 2012 @ 5:26

      We were always reminded that in terms of business transaction, never to contact person thru their facebook account because they will feel invaded and so we respect that.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Nov 21, 2012 @ 8:32

        Good thinking. I’m not sure if I go with “never,” but I definitely agree that you have to consider all aspects and be aware that this is not an uncommon response. Good point. Thanks.

    • Darcy Feb 28, 2013 @ 0:24

      I absolutely agree that maintaining a professional presence on Facebook is essential, not just for realtors but for all business people in the modern era. The moment personal mixes with professional in Facebook terms is the exact moment you start to lose credability.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Mar 18, 2013 @ 17:08

        Darcy, I so agree with the need to have your FB presence, with all businesses. Even if it is not used as frequently as one’s personal profile, the presence (Fan Page) gives an opportunity for fans to post their endorsement of the company/product/service, and also a place for the company to post important updates, at the very minimum.

    • Tony Oct 11, 2013 @ 5:13

      Facebook and Google Plus are two main source for gathering new customers from the Internet, this is true you must have your own website but it is better for you when people can see what u have to write on walls on FB

    • tipusultan Oct 24, 2013 @ 6:27

      Thanks for the share. I have really liked your writeup. Hope you will organize some giveaways on your blog as well. 🙂 nice work admin , carry on
