Home Influence and Brand Mastery Social Media Is Your Tweet Reaching Los Angeles and Beyond?

Is Your Tweet Reaching Los Angeles and Beyond?

Thank you for your patience. With all of the changes over the past 10-15 years, with Twitter, er X.com, well, it isn’t really the same entity or platform, is it? So, this article definitely needs rewriting. And, it made me wonder if these things still exist at all?
With Elon’s $43,000 price tag for 3rd party developer’s to create anything useful, it definitely puts a damper on things, now doesn’t it.

But, that doesn’t necessarily mean we are out of the game, yet…

So, I am working through this article, sentence-by-sentence, with updates for all of the aspects, looking for the 2024 counterparts, hoping they exist ;).

Please check back later, ok?

Original Article (September 11, 2012)

The story goes that curiosity struck over a common breakfast, in the techno city of Austin, Texas, three years ago. The topic? The question of how far a tweet would travel and how many people would read or retweet that tweet. Out of that curious conversation, the San Francisco based project, TweetReach, the brainchild of Union Metrics, was born.

Has this project nestled into San Francisco, to live solely in the great Silicon Valley? No. Similar to the concept of globally traveling tweets, it appears that it has reached its sister city of Los Angeles, as well, with anticipation of more to come.

TweetReach is a “Twitter Analytics” project, allowing people to sign up and review different analytics, including who their most influential tweep is, how far their tweet travelled, and who tweeted it, to name a few.

Analytics of the Past (and Future)

TweetReach is not alone, with twitter analytics companies, tools, and components growing. There are many such tools available, with varying degrees of complexity, detail, and price range. Some tools include the impressive up-and-coming HashTracking, and tools, which include twitter analytics components, like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, and Commun.it (Twitter relationship building tool).

Twitter analytics is the topic of an upcoming Twitter Chat, and one of the TweetReach founders, Jenn Deering Davis, will be making a guest appearance in this B2CTweet chat on Wednesday.

Los Angeles definitely has the tweets coming in and the tweets going out, and their very own @britneyspears ranks in the top 5 “most followed,” according to TwitterCounter.com.

TweetReach has some fascinating case studies of the reach of a tweet, with such events as the 2012 Grammy Awards and the Golden Globes, as well as a case study on Sunset Boulevard’s very own, The Roxy Theatre.

Where do your tweets travel? First, one needs to know the stats, the twitter analytics. Who knows? Maybe that Los Angeles tweet will travel around the world and back again, and twitter analytics companies, like TweetReach and the others, will capture the stats to prove it. After all, the distance between two points, in the global Twitter world, is only 140 characters and a millisecond.

About the author: Deborah is the “secret” SEO ninja and internet marketer from the very beginning (and sought after by the legendary Corey Rudl, and other industry pioneering greats). For more information about Deborah (aka Deborah E), visit the “About” page.

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  • Pat says:

    I don’t know but is there a way I could found that out? Curious mode.

    • Good question. In most cases, we are talking about tweeting from one geographical location and someone responding from another, showing the global impact of Twitter and other social media. However, there are great Twitter analytics companies out there like hashtracking.com, tweetreach.com, tweetreports.com, etc. that provide valuable information about your tweets.

    • Pat Nov 21, 2012 @ 16:54

      I don’t know but is there a way I could found that out? Curious mode.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Nov 25, 2012 @ 22:07

        Good question. In most cases, we are talking about tweeting from one geographical location and someone responding from another, showing the global impact of Twitter and other social media. However, there are great Twitter analytics companies out there like hashtracking.com, tweetreach.com, tweetreports.com, etc. that provide valuable information about your tweets.
