Home Business and Marketing Intelligence Planning Protect Your Online Business In 5 Simple Ways Because Safety Is Everything

Protect Your Online Business In 5 Simple Ways Because Safety Is Everything

What is the most important thing in the world when it comes to online business? Is it the amount of subscribers you have on your email list? What about the amount of sales you make every month? It could even be the amount of traffic your website gets every month because without that there would be no business. All of these things come down to your bank balance, but maybe money shouldn’t be the thing you worry about the most if you know what is good for you.

It’s obviously important because without money you don’t have a business, but what about safety? Losing everything is the worst thing that could ever happen to you and when it comes to online businesses it’s easier to lose everything than you think. At the very least you should be taking the necessary steps every day to protect your biggest asset. Let’s take a look at some ways you can start protecting your business from harm right now.

Your website is the most important thing in the world and you might have spent years building it up. It would be tragic if it suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. You can’t rely on the hosting company to save you because there have been too many incidents where they have failed. You should have a script on the backend of your system that allows you to make a backup of your website every day. Only then can you be sure it’s safe when you go to sleep at night.

Social Web Cafe: Email Lists

Export Your Email List

If your website is the most important thing you own then your mailing list is the second most important. Most of your repeat sales probably come from sending emails out to your list and if it was to disappear you would lose most of your income. You can export the email addresses from your autoresponder company on a regular basis and if everything vanishes you won’t lose the ability to contact people.

Recover Your Files

What would you do if someone broke into your office and stole your laptop? They could even steal it while you were at the toilet if you were working from a coffee shop. You can’t take the chance and that is why you should install software that will allow you to remotely copy your files as soon as you realize your laptop is gone. It’s going to be a challenge to get the laptop back in one piece, but as long as you have your data you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Social Web Cafe: Cloud Storage

Save Everything To The Cloud

If you’re worried about losing your important files then your safest option would be to send them into the cloud where they would stay nice and safe. You can always use two different storage companies to minimize the risk, but when you have everything on your computer it’s unlikely something will go wrong with both at the same time. As long as you have access to the Internet you can always reach everything and your business can stay safe.

Don’t Forget A Password Again

Everyone always forgets their passwords and they have to spend ages getting new ones sent to them. Sometimes something goes wrong and it’s impossible to get a new one. Maybe you signed up with an email address you no longer use and have forgotten about. It’s not nice needing to access something important and being locked out. Password management software guarantees you will never be locked out of anything ever again.

About the author: I am the news spotter for Social Web Cafe. I am usually one person, but sometimes I am a team of people. I choose to remain anonymous and hide in the shadows (just kidding). I am here to get the work done and help Deborah with Social Web Cafe 🙂

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  • Ashish says:

    Using plugins on wordpress makes easy to protect the online business. I use dropbox backup which backups my DB and site on whenever updates were made, Your tips were amazing and I must save my email list

    • Ashish Mar 16, 2013 @ 5:51

      Using plugins on wordpress makes easy to protect the online business. I use dropbox backup which backups my DB and site on whenever updates were made, Your tips were amazing and I must save my email list

      • Deborah E. Anderson Mar 18, 2013 @ 20:54

        Thanks, Ashish. Good to hear that you are taking precautions with your site.
