Home Reviews, Recommendations, Challenges Review Looking Good for the Camera: A Review of Schwarzkopf Ultime Products

Looking Good for the Camera: A Review of Schwarzkopf Ultime Products

You are probably wondering why you are seeing a hair products post on this social media marketing blog, but it isn’t that unusual. For a long time, I have thought of posting tips for what I use for my videos. As you know, I am the co-host of the weekly “Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah” and I am the host of Web Tools TV as well as the Social Web Cafe productions. Then, add to that that I am a Jazz singer. Well, that is only a partial list, but the key thing here is that I spend a lot of time in front of the camera (videos) and also under bright lights (stage) and my look has to be “just so.” This means that I need to find products that work, techniques that translate well for the application, and to do it within a short time window.

I have specific ways that I do eye makeup that look silly in real life, but work perfectly for hangouts. So, while I don’t talk about it on the shows, I’m giving you a sneak peak into what I do behind the scenes. That said, don’t go judging. Yes, there are hairs out of place, a day that I forgot my lipstick, and even a shirt that looks like I’m not wearing anything on top. Life happens and that is the fun of my shows, that I am me and I don’t hide behind anything. Well, unless it is my hats, scarves, and wigs (love my purple one!).

What I am describing, below, has to do with my Jazz look, which is generally a 1940s pin-up look or a curly look. That is where the Schwarzkopf products really shine! I also brought in my daughter, Chaela, with her enviable full hair, as a model.

Love the Curl

I absolutely love Caruso Curlers and I use it for my “curly look.” This steam set method works perfectly for my fine hair. However, the hot lights that are needed for the camera.. Well, that doesn’t work well with this curly look. This is where I have found that Schwarzkopf Ultime Products work so well, especially the Crystal Shine and Hold products.

The following picture is an example of the curl that I use on stage. However, as you can see, it needs a bit of taming. That is where the Schwarzkopf Ultime spray will prove to be the ultimate solution.

Love the Smell!

As an added bonus, it smells good! The last thing that you want is to spray something on your hair and then, as you are performing (or living your normal life) scrunching up your nose because the product stinks. Not the case with this product. It smells almost good enough to eat!

Getting that Natural Wave

My daughter has wavy, sometimes unruly hair. She wanted a nice tame look. She curled her hair, using the Schwarzkopf Heat Protector, and then used the Schwarzkopf Ultime spray to hold the look. It held all day for her at school and this is the final result:

The Daytime Look

For this look, we did use a “scrunching” technique. After she lightly curled her hair, I “molded it” by giving a light spray of Schwarzkopf Ultime spray over her entire head and then scrunched. For those of you unfamiliar with scrunching, it is like grabbing a fistful of hair and squishing it. It doesn’t sound glamorous, but it is very effective in cases where you are limited on time and you want to add curl or manage curl.

Going with the Straight Look

For her evening look, Chaela wanted a straight look. This is something that she often struggles with because of her natural curl. However, it was not a problem for Schwarzkopf hair products and she was able to get just the look she wanted after a little straightening with the flat iron and the wonderful hair products. Here is the look she got, and as you can tell, she was thrilled.

The Straight Look

The Affordable Solution

It is true that I received this product for review, free of charge, but all of the opinions are 100% mine. When I first opened the package, I did not think that it would stun me and be this fabulous. After all, I have used a lot of different products and I am very picky! However, I was pleasantly surprised. Then, today, I found it listed at Walmart for a very affordable price (under $10). I don’t buy my hair products at Walmart, so when I found it and found how inexpensive it was, it really surprised me, in a good way! It goes to show that you can look fabulous, whether it is in your daily life or on stage, and do not have to go broke doing it!

About the author: Deborah is the “secret” SEO ninja and internet marketer from the very beginning (and sought after by the legendary Corey Rudl, and other industry pioneering greats). For more information about Deborah (aka Deborah E), visit the “About” page.

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  • Nisha Sen says:

    This is an awesome product. Everyone is looking for this kind of amazing product that can help to make photos more better.

  • Hi Admin,
    An impressive and interesting information about Schwarzkopf crystal, I think its more featured and clarity of images is better than to compare of another glass or protection of glass too much. Thanks for shared and I really enjoyed to reading this post.

  • Ankit Raghav says:

    it is very helpful article nice one. it is very impessive an amazing article.

    • Nisha Sen Oct 8, 2015 @ 4:21

      This is an awesome product. Everyone is looking for this kind of amazing product that can help to make photos more better.

    • Khagesh Darji Dec 17, 2015 @ 21:40

      Hi Admin,
      An impressive and interesting information about Schwarzkopf crystal, I think its more featured and clarity of images is better than to compare of another glass or protection of glass too much. Thanks for shared and I really enjoyed to reading this post.

    • Ankit Raghav Dec 31, 2015 @ 2:08

      it is very helpful article nice one. it is very impessive an amazing article.
