Home Social Web Cafe Article Day 14 > Unfriendly Unfollowing

Day 14 > Unfriendly Unfollowing

Twitter : 15 Things We Don’t Want To Know : …Or Won’t Admit We Want To Know –> Day 14

This is the fourteenth post in a series called, “15 Things We Don’t Want To Know (Or Won’t Admit We Want To Know)” in your Tweets. Well, honestly, some of these things may be interesting, but we don’t want to admit WE WANT TO KNOW.

The word “Unfriendly” in the title prompted me to look for a photo or picture that represented unfriendliness, but I am such a friendly person that I could not resist this cute picture, instead. BTW – great photos and images available at reasonable prices @ 123rf.com.

Unfriendly Unfollowing

If you have been on Twitter, you have probably seen these. They are the mentions of people who come out that say so-and-so-1 and so-and-so-2 have unfollowed me today. Please, are we in the mood to insult people on Twitter? What is the purpose? It seems to me, the only purpose is to let the whole world know that so-and-so-1, etc. unfollows.

I have looked into some of the people who send these automated messages and some are following, like 100 people, with 1000 people following back. You know that seems to be? They follow 1000 people, wait for a reciprocal follow and then unfollow the 900. When some of the 900 unfollow (“reciprocal unfollowing”), they get the nasty mention.

My suggestion? Practice what you preach, and try to be nice while doing it. Better yet, stop, because we are not going to take the time to figure out if so-and-so-1 (or 2) are our followers anyway. If you are the recipient of the nasty, ignore it and consider the source, and don’t give it a second thought, sweeties.


About the author: Deborah is the “secret” SEO ninja and internet marketer from the very beginning (and sought after by the legendary Corey Rudl, and other industry pioneering greats). For more information about Deborah (aka Deborah E), visit the “About” page.
