This article originally appeared on, but has since been removed. The article was, and always has been, by Deborah Anderson, but may appear re-blogged as content from growmap, even though the author remains Deborah Anderson.
So many people use Twitter. According to Business Insider over a year ago Twitter was claiming 175 million users. The article continues to discuss the question of how many “active users” there would be on Twitter. Of course, the word, “active” could be a subjective definition, depending on who you ask.
Either way, I think it is safe to say that there are a LOT of tweeps out there and there is a lot of opportunity to reach these tweeps with your brand, via Twitter, as well as the use of Twitter Chats.
Branding with Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats offer the opportunity to engage with your audience and if you have a set time, say, per week, you have a set party time slot in which to do the engaging. There are a plethora of opportunities to share, including training, presentations, service reviews, collective brainstorming, fan appreciation, and much more.
The key thing we are talking about is the branding and helping your product or service, as a business, to become memorable in the minds of your clients and potential clients. If person A is going to buy a product from Company 1 or Company 2 and they engage in a Twitter Chat with Company 2 on a weekly basis and find that they feel like they actually “matter” to Company 2, they are more likely to steer their business that direction. seems really interesting. It’s my first time to hear about this.
Any more good features from them?
Yes, Gail @ has some great articles. You should check out her site.
Thanks Deb and Hello Ashleen,
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