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Cures For Blogger’s Block

The Blog Engage $650 Guest Blogging Contest #2

Hmmm... What should I write about?

I love writing. I love blogging. Writing is not a new thing. In fact, I’ve been writing since I was just a wee one and used to use, yes, pen and paper! I would buy those beautiful journals that had nice book bindings and paintings on the front and pick a different topic per day and write and write and write. Ok, it wasn’t bad for a kid, but I’ve come a long way since the color crayon days!

No matter how much one may love writing, there comes a time when you sit and stare at the screen and wonder what to write about. For some of us, this may be less frequent, and for shorter periods of time, and it may vary, during periods and seasons of our lives. However, most writers can say they have experienced, at the least, momentary writer’s block, or as I have written it, “Blogger’s Block.”

One of my favorite activities (and yet, she says, she does not partake often enough!) are blogging contests.

Why? They help to cure Blogger’s Block! When you are not sure what to write about, having a contest will stimulate you to do what? Write! Blog! And, secondly, there are contests that also give you a topic, which helps you to find direction in your blog contest. Even without a topic, those deadlines for contests are mighty motivating and somehow get those creative juices flowing like a little adrenaline pill.

There are also other key reasons why I enjoy contests so much:

  • Contests give socialization opportunities to meet other people, other bloggers, readers, and get out there and just meet people! What can I say? I love people!
  • Contests give the opportunity to *possibly* win something. But, remember, it is the fun of participating, not the necessity of winning. Always, be a good sport first! But, if you happen to win, that isn’t a bad perk, either, is it? šŸ™‚
  • Contests give opportunities to be introduced to sponsors that you may not have been aware of, previously. Just last week, I found an awesome resource through their sponsorship on a Twitter Chat. Had the sponsor not decided to take that step, I would not have heard about them. Yeah, sponsors! (Please see below for the awesome sponsors for the current BlogEngage Contest contest!

I couldn’t help myself but give you many reasons why contests are so fun, but the key thing I am pointing out, in my series of “Cures For Blogger’s Block” is that these contests are fun, for many reasons, but also effective in getting us bloggers off our little behind, away from the tube, and the distracting things that we may do when we tell ourselves we are trying to come up with our next blog post, and, well… gets that blog posted started!

So, start looking for your next contest. Oh, that’s right, I have one for you right here, below! Also, follow the link and watch for future contests and the wonderful BlogEngage community and resources to help you in your blogging endeavors, meeting people, and finding great companies that sponsor these contests!

The Current Best of the Guest Blogger Sponsors

The Current Best of the Guest Blogger Sponsors

Holidays In The UK
Entertainment Tonight
Travel Press Release
Buy PLR EBooks
Hot Tub Reviews
Home and Garden Link Directory
Wholesale Sachet
Home and Garden Blog Directory
Professional Greenhouses
Professional Greenhouse Kit
Small Greenhouses
New Orleans Saints
Compost Bins
Greenhouse Reviews
Louisiana Internet Marketing
Blogging Tips – Make Money Blogging
Food Poisoning
Wholesale Herbal Incense
Electronic Cigarettes
Greenhouse Kits Sale
Greenhouse Supplies
Weight Loss Diets for Women

Check out the contestants from the 2nd 2012 Blog Engage contest

The winners will be announced on April 30th 2012.

First Place ā€“ $250 USD
Second Place ā€“ $150 USD
Third Place ā€“ $100 USD
Fourth Place ā€“ $75 USD
Fifth Place ā€“ $50 USD
Sixth Place ā€“ $25 USD

jane Hi there. My name is Jane Porterfield and Iā€™m your host(ess) and owner of Jane Porterfield dot com. I own another couple of niche blogs called How A House Works and Let’s Talk Pregnancy You can find me on Twitter and Facebook: @reddunes and @ltstlkpregnancyand like us on Facebook. View Contest Entry…

Holly On a good writing day, Holly Jahangiri claims (tongue-in-cheek) to be channeling the spirits of Edgar Allan Poe, Erma Bombeck, and O. Henry. On a bad writing day, she claims to have poured every last ounce of her creative ability and energy into childbirth, and has two wonderful children to prove it. You can find her on Twitter @HollyJahangiri, Facebook . View Contest Entry…

Kevin Hello! I’m Kevin Eugene Martin. I’m very passionate about blogging/writing. I have an amazingly entertaining blog at TheAnnoyingLife.com where I unleash my weird and colorful personality. You can connect with me on Twitter @TheAnnoyingLife and don’t forget to like TheAnnoyingLife.com on Facebook. View Contest Entry…

abhibalani My name is Abhishek Balani, my friends call me Abhi. Iā€™m a computer science student and a future engineer. I share Best Blogging Tips on my blog Odd Blogger, a technology blog as well named Geek Odd Blogger. Follow on twitter @abhibalani and like us on Facebook. Be sure to add me as a friend on Blog Engage, OddBlogger. View Contest Entry…

Justin Working in the IT Industry for over 11 years and specializing in web based technologies. Dragon Blogger has unique insights and opinions to how the internet and web technology works. I run a successful technology blog and try to help others with blogging and WordPress tips on my spare time. Follow @dragonblogger on Twitter. View Contest Entry…

Kharim My name is Kharim Tomlinson and I blog at WebMaster-Success.com On my blog I provide awesome blogging tips which help you to become a better blogger and tips to help you make money blogging. Stay connected with me by following on Twitter, @BabyBoyKharim and please Subscribe Via my RSS. View Contest Entry…

niceblogger Hi There! My name is Mihai and I’m posting daily on my DoFollow SEO Blog, Iā€™m also the owner of High QualityWallpapers HD. Make sure to follow me on @niceblogger.Be sure to add me as a friend, niceblogger. I hope to see you connecting with me and visiting my blog for all the great Do Follow tips and tricks. View Contest Entry…

Nimsrules A web designer and a blogger from India who owns a no nonsense blog called Blogverize. Coder, gamer, navratri lover and an open source propagator. Visit the blog for detailed info and quality content. Subscribe and follow on twitter and facebook for quick easy updates. View Contest Entry…

Amrik Amrik Virdi+ is a 22 years old College Student, Web Developer & Graphic Designer from Kharagpur, India who is extremely passionate about blogging. He writes about Blogging Tips and Blogging For Money. Make sure to take a moment and visit his blog for all the unique content you can find. View Contest Entry…

tbaoo howdy doody to you, i’m tbaoo and you can find me lurking here ~ you can follow the nonsense @tbaootweets and like the silly business at facebook ~ all of this is supposed to be a laugh of course and i encourage a laugh at every opportunity. please consider adding me as a friend ~ i’m tbaoo and thanks for your support. View Contest Entry…

jeevan Jeevan Jacob John is a young blogger who is passionate about helping others to blog better. He tries to teach his readers about networking, marketing and blogging in a different manner. He shares his experiences with his readers at his blog. Make sure to take a moment and visit his blog for all the unique content you can find. View Contest Entry…

greg Hi there, I am Greg Smith, the SEO guy! Come Join The RxSEO Social Networking Community RxSEO. Receive all of the most up-to-date SEO News by signing up as a subscriber on my site. Join me on twitter, @RxSEO and like us on facebook. Sign-Up RxSEO & receive some really cool, custom SEO plugins. View Contest Entry…

lisa Hi There my name is Lisa, Iā€™m the blogger of Inspire To Thrive. I own a personal blog about Inspiring Each Other To Thrive Online. @lisapatb and like us on facebook. Be sure to add me as a friend, Lisapatb here on blog engage. Thanks for everything and all the support during the contest. View Contest Entry…

KimberlyGauthier Kimberly Gauthier, a perpetually happy person, lives with her amazing guy, their spoiled dogs and cats, and loves dog rescue, photography, reading, and laughing. She’s the author of three blogs, sharing tips and tricks about photographyā€, bloggingā€, and raising happy, healthy dogs. You can also find her over on Girl Power Hour as The Fur Mom. View Contest Entry…

MarketSecretsBlogger William ~Caleb~ Rodgers is the publisher of the MarketSecrets Blog which currently gets top 1st page Google rankings for the popular phrase “make money online tips”… and your first tip is learning how to build the 4 types of email lists >> Thanks for everything and all the support during the contest. View Contest Entry…

deborah Deborah has used social media extensively to help propel her to top of the charts on Reverbnation, as a Jazz Singer in Los Angeles. Now she is here to offer help to others, sharing tips along the way, including hosting successful Twitter Chats. SocialWebCafe.com : ā€œbecause the web should be fun!ā€ Thanks for everything and all the support during the contest. View Contest Entry…

About the author: Deborah is the “secret” SEO ninja and internet marketer from the very beginning (and sought after by the legendary Corey Rudl, and other industry pioneering greats). For more information about Deborah (aka Deborah E), visit the “About” page.

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  • […] Blog Engage $650 USD Guest Blogging Qualifying Article […]

  • Gary Buck says:

    Hey nice way of sharing . Keep Sharingā€¦ Thanks!

  • Nimsrules says:

    Thank you so much for mentioning my post too. I appreciate your help.

  • Thanks for including my article. I don’t think I have done well with this contest but I am thankful for entering and getting comments.

    Best of luck to you šŸ™‚

    • You are very welcome, Kharim. And you have done very well! You did enter, and every experience is beneficial if we look for it. And, I liked your article šŸ˜‰ -Deborah

  • bbrian017 says:

    Hi Deb best of luck work hard perhaps you can take a spot still! Thanks so much and remember your now also entered into our 1000 Year End Best Guest Blogger Contest.

  • Abhi Balani says:


    All the very best for contest.

  • Lynn Brown says:

    I have tried contests in the past and when they are set up properly they work really well. I remember my first contest was a bit of a disaster because I really didn’t plan it properly. But you know you learn from your mistakes!

    • I agree that we can learn from our mistakes, Lynn. How about, you let me know the next time you have a contest and I’ll join, so I’m so addicted now šŸ˜‰ Thanks, Deborah.

  • John Ernest says:

    Everybody experiences bloggers block and it is normal. But it is very destructive for your success. Thank you for sharing these tips.

    • Gary Buck Apr 16, 2012 @ 0:14

      Hey nice way of sharing . Keep Sharingā€¦ Thanks!

      • Deborah E. Anderson Apr 16, 2012 @ 0:25

        Thank you, Gary! I appreciate your visit and your comment. šŸ˜‰

    • Nimsrules Apr 17, 2012 @ 1:45

      Thank you so much for mentioning my post too. I appreciate your help.

    • Kharim Tomlinson Apr 17, 2012 @ 14:46

      Thanks for including my article. I don’t think I have done well with this contest but I am thankful for entering and getting comments.

      Best of luck to you šŸ™‚

      • Deborah E. Anderson Apr 18, 2012 @ 16:02

        You are very welcome, Kharim. And you have done very well! You did enter, and every experience is beneficial if we look for it. And, I liked your article šŸ˜‰ -Deborah

    • bbrian017 Apr 17, 2012 @ 14:48

      Hi Deb best of luck work hard perhaps you can take a spot still! Thanks so much and remember your now also entered into our 1000 Year End Best Guest Blogger Contest.

      • Deborah E. Anderson Apr 18, 2012 @ 16:06

        Thanks Brian. That was fun! Glad you thought of it!

        And thanks for stopping by… šŸ™‚

    • Abhi Balani Apr 18, 2012 @ 6:29


      All the very best for contest.

    • Lynn Brown Apr 28, 2012 @ 19:11

      I have tried contests in the past and when they are set up properly they work really well. I remember my first contest was a bit of a disaster because I really didn’t plan it properly. But you know you learn from your mistakes!

      • Deborah E. Anderson May 1, 2012 @ 20:26

        I agree that we can learn from our mistakes, Lynn. How about, you let me know the next time you have a contest and I’ll join, so I’m so addicted now šŸ˜‰ Thanks, Deborah.

    • John Ernest May 4, 2012 @ 22:16

      Everybody experiences bloggers block and it is normal. But it is very destructive for your success. Thank you for sharing these tips.

      • Deborah E. Anderson May 6, 2012 @ 13:25

        Thanks, John. Here is hoping that bloggers block seldom knocks on your door! -Deborah
